There are 65,000 food delivery workers in New York — they’re seen on every street but feel invisible. They’re treated poorly by restaurants, denied bathroom access, and forced to take breaks outside even when it's freezing. So we created a first of its kind rest stop, just for them. At The Brake Room they can relax, warm up, charge their phones and use the restroom.

The space is designed to feel cozy and intentional - every seat has a back, music is playing and coffee is brewing.   
We worked with photographer Kareem Black to capture portraits that empower and humanize these hard workers the city depends on every day.  
And a message from Jimmy Fallon to cleanse the palette:   
Agency: McCann  
ECD: Larry Platt, Danny Rodriguez
GCD: Jason McKean, Natalie Rose
EVP Design: Matt van Leeuwen
ACD Design: Zac Collopy
AD: Kendall Werra
CW: Sam Altman



Chick-fil-A: Interrupting Cow